import { assert, assertEquals } from ""; import { Label, Forward, Backward } from "./nn.ts"; import { default as M } from "./m.ts"; let training = []; let stages = []; let layers = []; Deno.test("NN.Label", ()=> { Label(training, [ [ 0.1, 0.05], [ 0.0, -0.06] ], [1]); Label(training, [ [ 0.99, 0.85], [ 1.2, 1.05] ], [0]); stages.push(training[0]); console.log(training); assertEquals(training.length, 2, "input and output sets created"); assertEquals(training[0].length, training[1].length, "both sets have same length"); assertEquals(training[0][0].length, 3, "padded input component"); assertEquals(training[1][0].length, 1, "unchanged label vector"); }); Deno.test("NN.Backward", ()=> { let layer1 = M.Create.Box([0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], 4); let layer2 = M.Create.Box([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 1); let copy1 = M.Create.Clone(layer1); let copy2 = M.Create.Clone(layer2); layers.push(layer1); layers.push(layer2); for(let i=0; i<100; i++) { Backward(stages, layers, training[1], 0.01); } console.log(layer1, copy1); assert(layer1[0][0] != copy1[0][0], "first matrix has changed"); assert(layer1[1][0] != copy2[1][0], "second matrix has changed"); }); Deno.test("NN.Forward", ()=> { console.log(Forward(stages, layers)); console.log(training[1]); });