import { resolve, basename } from ""; const hostDir = "./scaffold/"; const filePaths = [ "index.html", "app.js", ]; for (const filePath of filePaths) { // Resolve the file path relative to the script's directory const fileUrl = import.meta.resolve(hostDir + filePath); // Determine the destination path in the current working directory const destinationPath = resolve(Deno.cwd(), basename(filePath)); console.log(`Downloading ${fileUrl} to ${destinationPath}`); try { const response = await fetch(fileUrl); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Failed to fetch ${fileUrl}: ${response.statusText}`); } const fileData = await response.arrayBuffer(); await Deno.writeFile(destinationPath, new Uint8Array(fileData)); console.log(`Successfully downloaded ${filePath}`); } catch (error) { console.error(`Error downloading ${filePath}:`, error); } }