import { parse as JSONC } from ""; type JsonLike = { [key: string]: string | string[] | JsonLike; }; /** A `file://` url version of Deno.cwd() (contains trailing slash) */ export const Root:string = new URL(`file://${Deno.cwd().replaceAll("\\", "/")}`).toString() + "/"; export default async function HuntConfig(directory=Root):Promise<{ imports: JsonLike; compilerOptions: JsonLike; }> { let path:string, json:JsonLike|undefined; console.log("searchig in directory", directory) const loadJSON =async(inPath:string)=>{ try{ const path = new URL(inPath, directory); console.log("looking at", path.href); const resp = await fetch(path); if(inPath.endsWith("./.jsonc")) { const text = await resp.text(); json = JSONC(text) as JsonLike; } else { json = await resp.json(); } return json; } catch(_e) { return {}; } } try// look for `deno.json` { json = await loadJSON("./deno.json"); } catch(_e) { try // look for `deno.jsonc` { json = await loadJSON("./deno.jsonc"); } catch(_e) { try // look in the vscode plugin settings { json = await loadJSON("./.vscode/settings.json") path = json ? json["deno.config"] as string : ""; json = undefined; if(path) { json = await loadJSON(path) } } catch(_e) { // cant find a config using the vscode plugin } } } if(!json) { json = {}; } path = json.importMap as string; if(!json.imports && path) { json.imports = await loadJSON(path) as JsonLike; } return json as {imports:JsonLike, compilerOptions:JsonLike}; }