let reloads = 0; const listeners = new Map(); new WebSocket("ws://"+document.location.host).addEventListener('message', (event) => { let handlers = listeners.get(event.data)??[]; reloads++; Promise.all( handlers.map(handler=> { return import(event.data+"?reload="+reloads) .then(updatedModule=>handler(updatedModule)); }) ).then(HMR.update); }); export const HMR = { registered: new Map() as Mapvoid>, states: new Map(), statesOld: new Map(), reloads: 0, wireframe: false, onChange(key:string, value:()=>void):void { this.registered.set(key, value); }, update() { this.reloads++; this.registered.forEach(handler=>handler()); this.registered.clear(); this.statesOld = this.states; this.states = new Map(); this.echoState(); }, echoState() { let output = []; for(const[key, val] of HMR.statesOld) { output[key] = val.state+"--"+val.reload; } console.log(output); output = []; for(const[key, val] of HMR.states) { output[key] = val.state+"--"+val.reload; } console.log(output); } }; export const MapAt =(inMap, inIndex)=> { let index = 0; for(const kvp of inMap) { if(index == inIndex) { return kvp; } index++; } return false; };