import React from "react"; type Meta = {title:string, description:string, keywords:string, image:string, canonical:string } type MetaKeys = keyof Meta; export const Meta:Meta = { title:"", description:"", keywords:"", image:"", canonical:"" }; type MetasInputs = { [Property in MetaKeys]?: string }; export const Metas =(props:{concatListed?:boolean; dropUnlisted?:boolean}&MetasInputs):null=> { const additive = props.concatListed ? (key:MetaKeys, value:string)=> Meta[key] += value : (key:MetaKeys, value:string)=> Meta[key] = value; const subtractive = props.dropUnlisted ? (key:MetaKeys)=> Meta[key] = "" : (key:MetaKeys)=> {}; Object.keys(Meta).forEach((key)=>{ const metaKey = key as MetaKeys; const propValue = props[metaKey]||""; propValue ? additive(metaKey, propValue) : subtractive(metaKey); }) if(window.innerWidth) { document.title = Meta.title; } return null; } export type Children = string | number | React.JSX.Element | React.JSX.Element[]; type RoutePath = Array; type RouteParams = Record; type RouteState = {URL:URL, Path:RoutePath, Params:RouteParams, Anchor:string}; type RouteContext = [Route:RouteState, Update:(inPath?:RoutePath, inParams?:RouteParams, inAnchor?:string)=>void]; type RouteProps = {children:Children, url?:URL }; export const Router = { Parse(url:URL):RouteState { const Path = url.pathname.substring(1, url.pathname.endsWith("/") ? url.pathname.length-1 : url.pathname.length).split("/"); const Params:RouteParams = {}; new URLSearchParams(, v)=> Params[k] = v); const Anchor = url.hash.substring(1); return {URL:url, Path, Params, Anchor} as RouteState; }, Context:React.createContext([{URL:new URL("https://original.route/"), Path:[], Params:{}, Anchor:""}, ()=>{}] as RouteContext), Provider(props:RouteProps) { const [routeGet, routeSet] = React.useState(Router.Parse(props.url || new URL(document.location.href))); const [dirtyGet, dirtySet] = React.useState(true); const routeUpdate:RouteContext[1] =(inPath, inParams, inAnchor)=> { const clone = new URL(routeGet.URL); inPath && (clone.pathname = inPath.join("/")); inParams && ( = new URLSearchParams(inParams as Record).toString()); routeSet({ URL:clone, Path: inPath || routeGet.Path, Params: inParams || routeGet.Params, Anchor: inAnchor || routeGet.Anchor }); }; // when the state changes, update the page url React.useEffect(()=> dirtyGet ? dirtySet(false) : history.pushState({...routeGet, URL:undefined}, "", routeGet.URL), [routeGet.URL.href]); React.useEffect(()=>{ history.replaceState({...routeGet, URL:undefined}, "", routeGet.URL); window.addEventListener("popstate", ({state})=> { dirtySet(true); routeUpdate(state.Path, state.Params, state.Anchor); }); document.addEventListener("click", e=> { const t = as HTMLAnchorElement; if(t.href) { const u = new URL(t.href); if(u.origin == document.location.origin) { e.preventDefault(); const parts = Router.Parse(u); routeUpdate(parts.Path, parts.Params, parts.Anchor); } } }) }, []); return {props.children}; }, Consumer() { return React.useContext(Router.Context); } }; type SwitchContext = {depth:number, keys:Record}; export const SwitchContext = React.createContext({depth:0, keys:{}} as SwitchContext); export const Switch =({children}:{children:Children})=> { let fallback = null; if(Array.isArray(children)) { const contextSelection = React.useContext(SwitchContext); const [contextRoute] = Router.Consumer(); const routeSegment = contextRoute.Path.slice(contextSelection.depth); const checkChild =(inChild:{props:{value?:string}})=> { if(inChild?.props?.value) { const parts = inChild.props.value.split("/"); if(parts.length > routeSegment.length) { return false; } const output:SwitchContext = {depth:contextSelection.depth+parts.length, keys:{}}; for(let i=0; i{childCaseChildren} } if(childCase?.props?.default && !fallback) { console.log(routeSegment); fallback = childCaseChildren; } } } return fallback; }; export const Case =({children, value}:{children:Children, value?:string, default?:true})=>null; export const useRouteVars =()=> React.useContext(SwitchContext).keys; type FetchRecord = {URL:string, CacheFor:number, CachedAt:number, DelaySSR:boolean, Error:boolean, Text:false|string}; export const Fetch = { Cache:new Map() as Map, async Request(URL:string, Init?:RequestInit, CacheFor:number = 60, DelaySSR:boolean = true) { let check = Fetch.Cache.get(URL); const load =async(inCheck:FetchRecord)=> { Fetch.Cache.set(URL, inCheck); const resp = await fetch(URL, Init); inCheck.Text = await resp.text(); inCheck.CachedAt = new Date().getTime(); console.log(`...cached!`); return inCheck; } if(!check) { console.log(`making new cache record...`); check = {URL, CacheFor, CachedAt:0, DelaySSR, Error:false, Text:false}; load(check); return check; } if(check.CachedAt == 0) { console.log(`currently being cached...`); return check; } else if(check?.Text) { console.log(`found in cache...`); let secondsAge = Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - check.CachedAt)/1000); if(secondsAge > check.CacheFor) { console.log(`...outdated...`); check.CachedAt = 0; load(check); return check; } else { console.log(`...retrieved!`); return check; } } } };