import * as ESBuild from ''; import * as MIME from ""; import { debounce } from ""; import { parse as JSONC} from ""; import SSR from ""; import Prepass from ""; import * as Twind from ""; import React from "react"; import * as Iso from "@eno/iso"; Deno.env.set("initialized", "true"); /** * Setup a transpiler. * @param inDevMode When true, starts a file-watcher * @returns */ function Transpiler(inDevMode:boolean) { const Transpiled = new Map(); const Transpileable =(inFilePath:string):boolean=> { let dotIndex = inFilePath.length-4; if(inFilePath[dotIndex] !== ".") { if(inFilePath[++dotIndex] !== ".") { return false; } } if(inFilePath[dotIndex+2] == "s") { const first = inFilePath[dotIndex+1]; return (first == "t" || first == "j"); } return false; }; const Transpile =async(inCode:string, inKey:string):Promise=> { const transpile = await ESBuild.transform(inCode, inDevMode ? { loader: "tsx", sourcemap:"inline", minify: false, sourcefile:inKey} : { loader: "tsx", minify:true, jsx:"automatic", jsxImportSource:""}); Transpiled.set(inKey, transpile.code); return transpile.code; }; type Transpiler = (inPath:string, inKey:string, inCheck?:boolean)=>Promise; const TranspileURL:Transpiler =async(inPath, inKey, inCheck)=> { if(inCheck) { const cached = Transpiled.get(inKey); if(cached) { return cached; } } let body = await fetch(inPath); let text = await body.text(); return Transpile(text, inKey); }; const Sockets:Set = new Set(); const SocketsBroadcast =(inData:string)=>{ for (const socket of Sockets){ socket.send(inData); } } const SocketsHandler = inDevMode ? (_req:Request)=> { if(_req.headers.get("upgrade") == "websocket") { try { const { response, socket } = Deno.upgradeWebSocket(_req); socket.onopen = () => Sockets.add(socket); socket.onclose = () => Sockets.delete(socket); socket.onmessage = (e) => {}; socket.onerror = (e) => console.log("Socket errored:", e); return response; } catch(e) { // } } return false; } : ()=>false; let reloads = 0; const watcher =async()=> { const FilesChanged:Map = new Map(); const ProcessFiles =debounce(async()=> { for await (const [path, action] of FilesChanged) { const key = path.substring(Deno.cwd().length).replaceAll("\\", "/"); if(action != "remove") { if(Imports?.imports) { reloads++; const importApp = Imports.imports["@eno/app"]; const imp = await import(Path.Active+importApp+"?reloads="+reloads); App = imp.default; } await TranspileURL(Path.Active+key, key, false); SocketsBroadcast(key); } else { Transpiled.delete(key); } } FilesChanged.clear(); }, 1000); for await (const event of Deno.watchFs(Deno.cwd())) { event.paths.forEach( path => { if(Transpileable(path)) { FilesChanged.set(path, event.kind); } }); if(FilesChanged.size) { ProcessFiles(); } } } if(inDevMode) { watcher().then(()=>{console.log("done watching");}); } return {TranspileURL, Transpileable, SocketsHandler}; } /** * Extract all configuration info form a project's deno.jsonc file * @param inDevMode When true, proxies react to an HMR-enabled version * @param inLibPath * @returns */ async function Configure(inDevMode:boolean, inLibPath:string) { type ImportMap = {imports?:Record, importMap?:string}; const output:{Imports?:ImportMap, App?:React.FunctionComponent, TwindInst?:Twind.Twind, Error?:string} = {}; let ImportObject:ImportMap = {}; try { const confDeno = await fetch(`${Path.Active}/deno.jsonc`); const confText = await confDeno.text(); const confDenoParsed = JSONC(confText) as ImportMap; if(confDenoParsed.importMap) { try { const confImports = await Deno.readTextFile(confDenoParsed.importMap); try { output.Imports = JSON.parse(confImports); } catch(e) { output.Error = `"importMap" "${confDenoParsed.importMap}" contains invalid JSON`; return output; } } catch(e) { output.Error = `"importMap" "${confDenoParsed.importMap}" cannot be found`; return output; } } else if(confDenoParsed.imports) { output.Imports = {imports:confDenoParsed.imports}; } if(output.Imports?.imports) { if(inDevMode) { const importReact = output.Imports.imports["react"]; if(importReact) { output.Imports.imports["react-original"] = importReact; output.Imports.imports["react"] = `/${inLibPath}/react.tsx`; } else { output.Error = `"imports" configuration does not alias "react"`; return output; } } const importIso = output.Imports.imports["@eno/iso"]; if(importIso) { output.Imports.imports["@eno/iso"] = `/${inLibPath}/iso.tsx`; } else { output.Error = `"imports" configuration does not alias "@eno/iso"`; return output; } const importApp = output.Imports.imports["@eno/app"]; if(importApp) { let appImport try { appImport = await import(Path.Active+importApp); } catch(e) { output.Error = `"@eno/app" entry-point (${importApp}) file not found`; return output; } if(typeof appImport.default == "function" ) { output.App = appImport.default; } else { output.Error = `"@eno/app" entry-point (${importApp}) needs to export a default function to use as the app root.`; return output; } let twindConfig = Iso.CSS; if(typeof appImport.CSS == "object") { twindConfig = {...twindConfig, ...appImport.CSS}; } try { // @ts-ignore output.TwindInst = Twind.install(twindConfig); } catch(e) { output.Error = `CSS configuration is malformed`; return output; } } else { output.Error = `"imports" configuration does not alias an entry-point file as "@eno/app"`; return output; } Object.entries(output.Imports.imports).forEach(([key, value])=>{ if(value.startsWith("./") && output.Imports?.imports) { output.Imports.imports[key] = value.substring(1); } }) } else { output.Error = `No "imports" found in configuration`; return output; } } catch(e) { output.Error = `error during configuration: ${e}`; return output; } return output; } const Flags:Record = {}; Deno.args.forEach(arg=> { if(arg.startsWith("--")) { const kvp = arg.substring(2).split("="); Flags[kvp[0]] = kvp[1] ? kvp[1] : true; } }); let DevMode = ? true : false; let hosted = import.meta.resolve("./"); const Path = { Hosted: hosted.substring(0, hosted.length-1), Active: `file://${Deno.cwd().replaceAll("\\", "/")}`, LibDir: "lib" }; console.log(Path); console.log(`Dev Mode: ${DevMode}`); console.log(`Args seen: `, Flags); const {Transpileable, TranspileURL, SocketsHandler} = Transpiler(DevMode); let {Imports, App, TwindInst, Error} = await Configure(DevMode, Path.LibDir); if(Error) { console.log(Error); } else if(App && TwindInst) { Deno.serve({ port: Flags?.port||3000 }, async(_req:Request) => { const url:URL = new URL(_req.url); const pathParts = url.pathname.substring(1, url.pathname.endsWith("/") ? url.pathname.length-1 : url.pathname.length).split("/"); const pathLast =; const pathExt:string|undefined = pathLast?.split(".")[1]; const resp = SocketsHandler(_req); if(resp){ return resp; } try { // serve index by default let type = `text/html`; let body:BodyInit = ``; const isLib = url.pathname.startsWith(`/${Path.LibDir}/`); if(Transpileable(url.pathname)) { type = `application/javascript`; if(isLib) { body = await TranspileURL(Path.Hosted+url.pathname, url.pathname, true); } else if(DevMode && !url.searchParams.get("reload")) { const imp = await import(Path.Active+url.pathname); const members = []; for( const key in imp ) { members.push(key); } body = ` import {FileListen} from "/${Path.LibDir}/hmr.tsx"; import * as Import from "${url.pathname}?reload=0"; ${>`let proxy_${m} = Import.${m}; export { proxy_${m} as ${m} }; `).join(" ") } const reloadHandler = (updatedModule)=> { ${>`proxy_${m} = updatedModule.${m};`).join("\n") } }; FileListen("${url.pathname}", reloadHandler);`; } else { body = await TranspileURL(Path.Active+url.pathname, url.pathname, true); } } // serve static media else if( pathExt ) { type = MIME.typeByExtension(pathExt) || "text/html"; const _fetch = await fetch((Path.Active)+url.pathname); body = await _fetch.text(); } else { Iso.Fetch.ServerBlocking = []; Iso.Fetch.ServerTouched = new Set(); Iso.Fetch.ServerRemove = new Set(); let app = ; await Prepass(app); Iso.Meta.Stack = []; let bake = SSR(app); while(Iso.Fetch.ServerBlocking.length) { await Promise.all(Iso.Fetch.ServerBlocking); Iso.Fetch.ServerBlocking = []; // at this point, anything that was requested that was not cached, has now been loaded and cached // this next render will use cached resources. using a cached resource (if its "Seed" is true) adds it to the "touched" set. app = ; await Prepass(app); Iso.Meta.Stack = []; bake = SSR(app); } const seed:Iso.FetchRecord[] = []; Iso.Fetch.ServerTouched.forEach((record)=>{ const r:Iso.FetchRecord = {...record}; delete r.Promise; seed.push(r); }); Iso.Fetch.ServerTouched = false; Iso.Meta.Meta = Iso.Meta.ComputeFinal(Iso.Meta.Stack); console.log(Iso.Meta.Stack); const results = Twind.extract(bake, TwindInst); type = `text/html`; body = ` ${Iso.Meta.Meta.title}
`; } return new Response(body, {headers:{"content-type":type as string, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin":"*", charset:"utf-8"}}); } catch(error) { console.log(error); return new Response(error, {status:404}); } }); }