import React from "react"; import * as Iso from "@eno/iso"; import Collapse from "$/collapse.tsx"; const Comp = React.lazy(()=>import("./deep/component.tsx")); export default ()=> { const [countGet, countSet] = React.useState(1); return



iso: isomorphic typescript is simpler than ever.



Iso puts the Deno runtime and ES modules to work behind the scenes to turn your next single-page React+TypeScript application into an SEO capable website with full hydration.

The best part? It's all so simple you won't even even know it's there.

Say goodbye to stylesheets and CSS-in-JS bloat. Tailwind classes are available out of the gate so you can hit the ground running, and Iso will keep up the pace with state-preserving hot module reloading.

Batteries-included URL routing, page meta, and data fetching APIs are designed from the ground up to be as simple as possible.

Get fully featured in seconds.


Iso uses Preact/Compat and Twind in lieu of React and Tailwind so you can keep the API's you know, serve less kilobytes, and gain new ways to simplify your layout code.

While you can always:


Now you can just:


Iso is a Deno project! If you're coming from a Node background be sure to:

  1. Get the latest Deno runtime and extension for your IDE
  2. Use file extensions in import statements
  3. Add new modules to the deno.jsonc config



; }; export const CSS = { rules: [ ["layout-middle", "w-full max-w-4xl p-4"] ] };