import * as MIME from ""; import * as SWCW from ""; Deno.args.forEach(arg=> { if(arg.startsWith("--")) { const kvp = arg.substring(2).split("="); Deno.env.set(kvp[0], kvp[1] || "true"); } }); type DenoConfig = {imports:Record}; const ImportMap:DenoConfig = {imports:{}}; let ImportMapOriginal = {}; const ImportMapReload =async()=> { let json:DenoConfig; const path = Configuration.Proxy+"/deno.json"; try { const resp = await fetch(path); json = await resp.json(); if(!json?.imports) { throw new Error("imports not specified in deno.json") } ImportMapOriginal = json; } catch(e) { console.log(`error reading deno config "${path}" message:"${e}"`); return; } if(!json.imports["react"]) { console.log(`"react" specifier not defined in import map`); } else if(!json.imports["react/"]) { json.imports["react/"] = json.imports["react"]+"/"; } if(!json.imports["entry"]) { console.log(`"entry" specifier not defined in import map.`); } Object.entries(json.imports).forEach(([key, value])=> { if(value.startsWith("./")) { json.imports[key] = value.substring(1); } }); ImportMap.imports = Configuration.Remap(json.imports, Configuration); }; type CustomHTTPHandler = (inReq:Request, inURL:URL, inExt:string|false, inMap:{imports:Record}, inConfig:Configuration)=>void|false|Response|Promise; type CustomRemapper = (inImports:Record, inConfig:Configuration)=>Record; type Configuration = {Proxy:string, Allow:string, Reset:string, SWCOp:SWCW.Options, Serve:CustomHTTPHandler, Shell:CustomHTTPHandler, Remap:CustomRemapper}; type ConfigurationArgs = {Proxy?:string, Allow?:string, Reset?:string, SWCOp?:SWCW.Options, Serve?:CustomHTTPHandler, Shell?:CustomHTTPHandler, Remap?:CustomRemapper}; let Configuration:Configuration = { Proxy: new URL(`file://${Deno.cwd().replaceAll("\\", "/")}`).toString(), Allow: "*", Reset: "/clear-cache", async Serve(inReq, inURL, inExt, inMap, inConfig){}, Remap: (inImports, inConfig)=> { return inImports; }, Shell(inReq, inURL, inExt, inMap, inConfig) { const parts = Deno.mainModule.split(inConfig.Proxy); return new Response( `
`, {status:200, headers:{"content-type":"text/html"}}); }, SWCOp: { sourceMaps: false, minify: true, jsc: { target:"es2022", minify: { compress: { unused: true }, mangle: true }, parser: { syntax: "typescript", tsx: true, }, transform: { react: { runtime: "automatic" } } } } }; export const Transpile = { Cache: new Map() as Map, Files: ["tsx", "jsx", "ts", "js", "mjs"], Check(inExtension:string|false) { return inExtension ? this.Files.includes(inExtension) : false; }, Clear() { const size = this.Cache.size; this.Cache.clear(); ImportMapReload(); return size; }, /** * Converts dynamic module imports in to static, also can resolve paths with an import map */ async Patch(inPath:string, inKey:string, inMap?:DenoConfig) { const check = this.Cache.get(inKey); if(check) { return check; } let file, text; try { file = await fetch(inPath); text = await file.text(); } catch(e) { return false; } const remap = inMap ? (inPath:string)=> { const match = inMap.imports[inPath]; if(match) { return match; } else if(inPath.includes("/")) { let bestKey = ""; let bestLength = 0; Object.keys(inMap.imports).forEach((key, i, arr)=> { if(key.endsWith("/") && inPath.startsWith(key) && key.length > bestLength) { bestKey = key; bestLength = key.length; } }); if(bestKey) { return inMap.imports[bestKey]+inPath.substring(bestKey.length); } } return inPath; } : (inPath:string)=>inPath; let match, regex; let convertedBody = text; // remap static imports regex = /from\s+(['"`])(.*?)\1/g; while ((match = regex.exec(text))) { const importStatement = match[0]; const importPath = match[2]; convertedBody = convertedBody.replace(importStatement, `from "${remap(importPath)}"`); } // convert dynamic imports into static (to work around deno deploy) const staticImports = []; regex = /(? { const lastDotIndex = string.lastIndexOf("."); if (lastDotIndex === -1) { return string; } const prefix = string.substring(0, lastDotIndex); const suffixString = string.substring(lastDotIndex + 1); return prefix + "." + suffix + "." + suffixString; }; export const Extension =(inPath:string)=> { const posSlash = inPath.lastIndexOf("/"); const posDot = inPath.lastIndexOf("."); return posDot > posSlash ? inPath.substring(posDot+1).toLowerCase() : false; }; export const Configure =(config:ConfigurationArgs)=> { Configuration = {...Configuration, ...config}; ImportMapReload(); } await ImportMapReload(); await SWCW.default(); const server = Deno.serve({port:parseInt(Deno.env.get("port")||"8000")}, async(req: Request)=> { const url:URL = new URL(req.url); const ext = Extension(url.pathname); const headers = {"content-type":"application/json", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": Configuration.Allow, "charset":"UTF-8"}; // cache-reset route if(url.pathname === Configuration.Reset) { return new Response(`{"cleared":${Transpile.Clear()}}`, {headers}); } // allow for custom handler const custom = await Configuration.Serve(req, url, ext, ImportMap, Configuration); if(custom) { return custom; } // transpileable files if(Transpile.Check(ext)) { let code; let path; let file; if( req.headers.get("user-agent")?.startsWith("Deno") || url.searchParams.has("deno") ) { try { path = Configuration.Proxy + ExtensionPrefix(url.pathname, "deno"); console.log("looking for", path); file = await fetch(path) as Response; if(file.ok) { code = await file.text(); } else { throw new Error("404"); } } catch(e) { path = Configuration.Proxy + url.pathname; console.log("falling back to", path); file = await fetch(path); code = await file.text(); } } else { path = Configuration.Proxy + url.pathname; code = await Transpile.Fetch(path, url.pathname); } if(code) { return new Response(code, {headers:{...headers, "content-type":"application/javascript"}} ); } } // custom page html if(!ext) { const shell = await Configuration.Shell(req, url, ext, ImportMap, Configuration); if(shell) { return shell; } } // all other static files if(ext) { try { const type = MIME.typeByExtension(ext); const file = await fetch(Configuration.Proxy + url.pathname); return new Response(file.body, {headers:{...headers, "content-type":type||""}}); } catch(e) { return new Response(`{"error":"${e}", "path":"${url.pathname}"}`, {status:404, headers}); } } return new Response(`{"error":"unmatched route", "path":"${url.pathname}"}`, {status:404, headers}); });