import { parse as JSONC } from ""; const RootFile = new URL(`file://${Deno.cwd().replaceAll("\\", "/")}`).toString(); const RootHost = import.meta.resolve("./"); type ConfigCheck = {path?:string, text?:string, json?:Record>}; type ConfigCheckPair = [config:ConfigCheck, imports:ConfigCheck]; export async function HuntConfig() { let path:string, resp:Response, text="", json; try { path = "deno.json" resp = await fetch(RootFile + "/" + path); text = await resp.text(); } catch(e) { try { path = "deno.jsonc"; resp = await fetch(RootFile + "/" + path); text = await resp.text(); } catch(e) { try { path = RootFile+"/.vscode/settings.json" resp = await fetch(path); json = await resp.json(); path = json["deno.config"]; json = undefined; if(path) { path = RootFile + "/" + path resp = await fetch(path); text = await resp.text(); } } catch(e) { path = ""; } } } if(text) { try { json = JSONC(text); } catch(e) { // malformed config } } let imports:ConfigCheck = {}; if(json && json.imports) { imports.json = json; imports.text = JSON.stringify(json.imports); imports.path = path; } else if(json && !json.imports && json.importMap) { try { imports.path = RootFile + "/" + json.importMap; resp = await fetch(imports.path); imports.text = await resp.text(); imports.json = JSONC(text); } catch(e) { // malformed import map } } return [{path, text, json}, imports] as ConfigCheckPair } async function Prompt(question: string):Promise { const buf = new Uint8Array(1024); await Deno.stdout.write(new TextEncoder().encode(question)); const bytes = await; if (bytes) { return new TextDecoder().decode(buf.subarray(0, bytes)).trim(); } throw new Error("Unexpected end of input"); } export async function SubProcess(args:string[]) { const command = new Deno.Command( `deno`, { args, stdin: "piped", stdout: "piped" } ); const child = command.spawn(); // open a file and pipe the subprocess output to it. const writableStream = new WritableStream({ write(chunk: Uint8Array): Promise { Deno.stdout.write(chunk); return Promise.resolve(); }, }); child.stdout.pipeTo(writableStream); // manually close stdin child.stdin.close(); const status = await child.status; } export async function Install(file:string, handler:(content:string)=>string = (s)=>s) { const pathFile = RootHost + "install__/" + file; try{ const check = await Deno.readTextFile(Deno.cwd()+"/"+file); const replace = await Prompt(`The file "${file}" already exists. Replace it? [y/n]`); if(replace == "y") { throw("") } console.log(`Skipping "${file}" for now.`); } catch(e) { const resp = await fetch(pathFile); const text = await resp.text(); await Deno.writeTextFile(Deno.cwd()+"/"+file, handler(text)); } } try { let [config, imports] = await HuntConfig(); console.log(`1) Checking for Deno configuration...`) if(!config.path) { const resp1 = await Prompt(" ! No Deno configuration found. Create one? [y/n]"); if(resp1 == "y") { const resp2 = await Prompt(" ? Do you also want to add starter files? [y/n]"); let replaceApp = "./path/to/app.tsx"; let replaceApi = "./path/to/api.tsx"; let replaceCommentApp = "// (required) module with default export ()=>React.JSX.Element"; let replaceCommentApi = "// (optional) module with default export (req:Request, url:URL)=>Promise"; if(resp2 == "y") { replaceApp = "./app.tsx"; replaceApi = "./api.tsx"; replaceCommentApp = ""; replaceCommentApi = ""; await Install("app.tsx"); await Install("api.tsx"); } else { // config initialized with no app or api } await Install("deno.jsonc", (s)=>s .replace("{{server}}", RootHost) .replace("{{app}}", replaceApp) .replace("{{api}}", replaceApi) .replace("{{commentApp}}", replaceCommentApp) .replace("{{commentApi}}", replaceCommentApi) ); [config, imports] = await HuntConfig(); } else { throw(" X Config is required."); } } /* const inputString = `Some text 'imports' more text { some content }`; const regex = /(?<=(['"`])imports\1[^{}]*{)/; const match =; if (match !== -1) { console.log("Index of '{':", match); } else { console.log("'{': Not found."); } */ console.log(`2) Verifying configuration...`) if(config.json && imports.json?.imports) { const importMap = imports.json.imports as Record; let changes = false; if(!importMap["react"]) { const resp = await Prompt(` ! Import map has no specifier for React. Add it now? (will use Preact compat) [y/n]`); if(resp == "y") { importMap["react"] = ""; changes = true; } else { throw(" X A React import is required."); } } if(!importMap[">able/"]) { const resp = await Prompt(` ! Import map has no specifier for Able (">able/"). Add it now? [y/n]`); if(resp == "y") { importMap[">able/"] = RootHost; changes = true; } else { throw(" X Able is required."); } } const compOpts = imports.json.compilerOptions as Record; if(compOpts) { const compJSX = compOpts["jsx"]; const compJSXImportSource = compOpts["jsxImportSource"] if(compJSX || compJSXImportSource) { if(!importMap["react/"]) { //const resp = await Prompt(` ! Import map has no specifier for React ("react"). Add it now? [y/n]`); } } } } } catch(e) { console.log(e, "\n (Able Exiting...)"); Deno.exit(); }