import { walk, type WalkOptions, ensureFile } from ""; import ts, { isAssertEntry } from "npm:typescript"; const tsopts:ts.CompilerOptions = { declaration: true, emitDeclarationOnly: true }; const tshost = ts.createCompilerHost(tsopts); const tstypes =(fileName: string):string=> { let output = ""; tshost.writeFile = (fileName: string, contents: string) => output = contents; ts.createProgram([fileName], tsopts, tshost).emit(); return output; } const tstypes_all =(fileNames: string[]):string[]=> { const output:string[] = []; tshost.writeFile = (fileName: string, contents: string) => output[fileName.indexOf(fileName)] = contents; ts.createProgram(fileNames, tsopts, tshost).emit(); return output; } import * as SWCW from ""; await SWCW.default(); const options:SWCW.Options = { sourceMaps: false, minify: true, jsc: { target:"es2022", minify: { compress: { unused: true }, mangle: false }, parser: { syntax: "typescript", tsx: true, }, transform: { react: { runtime: "automatic" } } } } const dir = Deno.cwd(); const folder = dir.substring(dir.lastIndexOf("\\")+1); console.log("searching", dir); const extensions = ["tsx", "ts", "jsx", "js"]; try { await Deno.remove(".bake", { recursive: true }); console.log("rebuilding baked files"); } catch(e) { console.log("fresh bake"); } for await(const file of walk(dir, {includeDirs:false})) { const pathClean = file.path.replaceAll("\\", "/"); const pathRel = pathClean.substring(dir.length); if(!pathRel.startsWith(".") && !pathRel.includes("/.")) { const extension =".")+1); const pathBake = `.bake${pathRel}`; if(extensions.includes(extension)) { const pathDTS = pathBake.substring(0, pathBake.lastIndexOf("."))+".d.ts"; console.log("processing", pathRel); const text = await Deno.readTextFile(pathClean); const {code} = await SWCW.transform(text, { ...options,}); // check for types export directive let tripleSlash = ""; const read = await; const buffer = new Uint8Array(256); // Set the buffer size to the maximum line length try { const bytesRead = await; if(bytesRead) { if(new TextDecoder().decode(buffer.subarray(0, bytesRead)).indexOf("@able-types") != -1) { tripleSlash =`/// \n`; } } } finally { read.close(); } await ensureFile(pathBake); await Deno.writeTextFile(pathBake, tripleSlash+code); if(tripleSlash) { console.log("making types") await ensureFile(pathDTS); await Deno.writeTextFile(pathDTS, tstypes("."+pathRel)); } } else { await Deno.copyFile("."+pathRel, pathBake); } } }