import { parse as JSONC } from ""; type ConfigCheck = {path?:string, text?:string, json?:Record>}; type ConfigCheckPair = [config:ConfigCheck, imports:ConfigCheck]; export const RootHost = import.meta.resolve("./"); export const Root = new URL(`file://${Deno.cwd().replaceAll("\\", "/")}`).toString(); export async function HuntConfig() { console.log("hunting in", Root); let path:string, resp:Response, text="", json; try { path = "deno.json" resp = await fetch(Root + "/" + path); text = await resp.text(); } catch(e) { try { path = "deno.jsonc"; resp = await fetch(Root + "/" + path); text = await resp.text(); } catch(e) { try { path = ".vscode/settings.json"; resp = await fetch(Root + "/" + path); json = await resp.json(); path = json["deno.config"]; json = undefined; if(path) { resp = await fetch(Root + "/" + path); text = await resp.text(); } } catch(e) { path = ""; } } } if(path) { try { json = JSONC(text); } catch(e) { json = undefined; } } let imports:ConfigCheck = {}; if(json && json.imports) { // config.imports imports.json = json; imports.text = JSON.stringify(json); imports.path = path; } else if(json && !json.imports && json.importMap) { // config.importMap try { imports.path = json.importMap; resp = await fetch(Root + "/" + imports.path); imports.text = await resp.text(); try { imports.json = JSONC(imports.text); } catch(e) { imports.json = undefined; } } catch(e) { // malformed import map } } return [{path, text, json}, imports] as ConfigCheckPair } export async function Install(file:string, overrideName?:string, handler?:(content:string)=>string) { const pathFile = RootHost + "install__/" + file; try{ const check = await Deno.readTextFile(Deno.cwd()+"/"+file); const replace = confirm(`⚠️🚧 The file "${file}" already exists. Replace it?`); if(replace) { throw("") } console.log(`Using pre-existing "${file}" for now.`); } catch(e) { const resp = await fetch(pathFile); const text = await resp.text(); const name = overrideName || file; await Deno.writeTextFile(Deno.cwd()+"/"+name, handler ? handler(text) : text); } } export async function Check() { let [config, imports] = await HuntConfig(); try { //console.log(config, imports); if(!config.path) { console.log(`🛠️ No Deno configuration found. Creating "deno.json" now.`); await Deno.writeTextFile(Deno.cwd()+"/deno.json", `{"imports":{}}`); Check(); return; } else if(!config.json) { if(confirm(`🚧 Deno configuration is malformed. Replace "${config.path}" with a new one?.`)) { await Deno.writeTextFile(Deno.cwd()+"/"+config.path, `{"imports":{}}`); Check(); return; } else { throw("⛔ Invalid configuration."); } } else if(!imports.json) { if(imports.path != config.path) { if(confirm(`🚧 External import map "${imports.path}" is missing or malformed. Replace it with defaults?.`)) { await Deno.writeTextFile(Deno.cwd()+"/"+imports.path, `{"imports":{}}`); Check(); return; } else { throw("⛔ Invalid configuration."); } } } else if(!imports.json?.imports) { imports.json.imports = {}; } if(config.json && imports.json?.imports) { const importMap = imports.json.imports as Record; const bake =async(obj:ConfigCheck)=> await Deno.writeTextFile(Deno.cwd()+"/"+obj.path, JSON.stringify(obj.json, null, "\t")); importMap["react"] = ``; importMap["react/"] = ``; importMap["@preact/signals"] = ``; importMap["@twind/core"] = ``; importMap[">able/"] = `${RootHost}`; if(!importMap[">able/app.tsx"]) { importMap[">able/app.tsx"] = `./app.tsx`; await Install("app.tsx"); } if(!importMap[">able/api.tsx"]) { if(confirm(`🤔 OPTIONAL: Add backend ">able/api.tsx"?`)) { importMap[">able/api.tsx"] = "./api.tsx"; await Install("api.tsx"); } } const tasks:Record = { "check": `deno run -A --no-lock ${RootHost}cli.tsx check`, "local": `deno run -A --no-lock ${RootHost}cli.tsx local`, "debug": `deno run -A --no-lock ${RootHost}cli.tsx debug`, "serve": `deno run -A --no-lock ${RootHost}cli.tsx serve`, "cloud": `deno run -A --no-lock ${RootHost}cli.tsx cloud` }; const confTasks = (config.json.tasks || {}) as Record; config.json.tasks = {...confTasks, ...tasks}; const optionsRequired = { "lib": ["deno.window", "dom", "dom.iterable", "dom.asynciterable"], "jsx": "react-jsx", "jsxImportSource": "react" } const optionsCurrent = config.json.compilerOptions as Record || {}; //const compLib:string[] = compOpts.lib as string[] || []; if(!optionsCurrent.lib) { optionsCurrent.lib = []; } optionsRequired.lib.forEach(s=> { if(!optionsCurrent.lib.includes(s)) { (optionsCurrent.lib as string[]).push(s); } }); optionsCurrent.jsx = optionsRequired.jsx; optionsCurrent.jsxImportSource = optionsRequired.jsxImportSource; config.json.compilerOptions = optionsCurrent; await bake(imports); await bake(config); } } catch(e) { console.log(e, "\n (Able Exiting...)"); Deno.exit(); } console.log(`🚗 Good to go!`); }