import { load } from ""; import { parse } from ""; const collect =async(inKey:string, inArg:Record, inEnv:Record):Promise=> { const scanArg = inArg[inKey]; const scanEnvFile = inEnv[inKey]; const scanEnvDeno = Deno.env.get(inKey); if(scanArg) { console.log(`Using "${inKey}" from passed argument.`); return scanArg; } if(scanEnvFile) { console.log(`Using "${inKey}" from .env file.`); return scanEnvFile; } if(scanEnvDeno) { console.log(`Using "${inKey}" from environment variable.`); return scanEnvDeno; } const scanUser = await prompt(`No "${inKey}" found. Enter one here:`); if(!scanUser || scanUser?.length < 3) { console.log("Exiting..."); Deno.exit(); } }; const prompt =async(question: string):Promise=> { const buf = new Uint8Array(1024); await Deno.stdout.write(new TextEncoder().encode(question)); const bytes = await; if (bytes) { return new TextDecoder().decode(buf.subarray(0, bytes)).trim(); } throw new Error("Unexpected end of input"); }; try { console.log("Runing deploy!"); const serveScript = import.meta.resolve("./run-serve.tsx"); console.log("Serve script:", serveScript); let arg = parse(Deno.args); let env = await load(); let useToken = await collect("DENO_DEPLOY_TOKEN", arg, env); let useProject = await collect("DENO_DEPLOY_PROJECT", arg, env); let useEntry = await collect("DENO_DEPLOY_ENTRY", arg, env); Deno.env.set("DENO_DEPLOY_TOKEN", useToken || ""); Deno.env.set("DENO_DEPLOY_ENTRY", useEntry || ""); const command = new Deno.Command( `deno`, { args:[ "run", "-A", "--no-lock", "", "deploy", `--project=${useProject}`, serveScript ], stdin: "piped", stdout: "piped" } ); const child = command.spawn(); // open a file and pipe the subprocess output to it. const writableStream = new WritableStream({ write(chunk: Uint8Array): Promise { Deno.stdout.write(chunk); return Promise.resolve(); }, }); child.stdout.pipeTo(writableStream); // manually close stdin child.stdin.close(); const status = await child.status; } catch(e) { console.error(e); }