import { assertEquals } from ""; import { Initial, Reducer, ColumnMapping } from "./store.js"; const States = { list:[], get latest() { return this.list[this.list.length-1]; }, set latest(input) { this.list.push(input); } }; States.latest = Initial; Deno.test("Initial State", async (t)=> { const state = Initial; await t.step("Selections are empty", ()=> { assertEquals(state.Selection.Test, undefined); assertEquals(state.Selection.Freq, undefined); assertEquals(state.Selection.Mark, undefined); }); await t.step("Frequency index maps to 1k hz", ()=> { assertEquals(state.Freq, 3); assertEquals(ColumnMapping[state.Freq][0], 1000); }); await t.step("The first test has its 2nd plot at 1k hz, and no user marks", ()=> { const plot = state.Tests[0].Plot[1]; assertEquals(plot.Hz, 1000); assertEquals(plot.UserL, undefined); assertEquals(plot.UserR, undefined); }); }) Deno.test("Select Test", async (t)=> { let state; await t.step("dispatch action", ()=> { state = Reducer(Initial, {Name:"Test", Data:0}); }); await t.step("check selections: test and freq, but no mark", ()=> { assertEquals(state.Selection.Test, state.Tests[0]); assertEquals(state.Selection.Freq, state.Tests[0].Plot[1]); assertEquals(state.Selection.Mark, undefined); }); })